Thursday, March 26, 2015


Noah and I had a date night last night. We had a lovely supper of meatballs, rice and green beans, after which our evening commenced. On the agenda was a movie and popcorn; the 'Sound of Music'. Then the pager went off.
Kathryn was napping, so I diddled and diddled. It was just a CO2 alarm gone off, which usually takes 5 minutes to take care of. This one took a LONG time. I think he was back at 7:30 or so. To pass the time, I looked at Pinterest till that got old, and eventually decided to make a small batch of cinnamon rolls. And so I did. They turned out beautifully. Anyway, Noah came home, with sparkling grape juice as a peace offering. :) We ended up sipping out of wine glasses and nibbling on girl scout cookies while watching Julie Andrews dance. It was fun. And then there were delectable cinnamon rolls to top the evening off. It was a grand success.

There  is a quote that sums up what I've been thinking about lately. "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."- Abraham Lincoln.  I'm a procrastinator. A very good procrastinator. Something that I finally did today that should have happened in the fall is to spritz Oxiclean on a stain on one of our kitchen chairs. When Amy and I made applesauce, we put the box of apples on a chair, but never noticed the bottom was wet until we were done. That was about 6 months ago. Is anybody else that bad?

I'm also realizing that Kathryn is gonna learn to do the same things I'm doing. She follows by example. How in the world would I be able to punish her when I'm daily teaching her bad habits?  I need to teach her that when something falls on the floor, pick it up. Instead of just looking at the leaves on the ground, get a rake and take care of them. Fold all the laundry right away instead of leaving the last load in the dryer for hours to wrinkle. But of course, there are so many other things to interrupt me instead. Things that aren't as monotonous as daily household chores.

When we found out we were expecting a baby last winter, teaching all these things was not what I included in the 'when you have a baby' mind-set. I was thinking changing diapers, reading stories, lots of cuddles, those types of things. I still get to do all those things, just the list added a few things I didn't know.  I didn't realize then that washing dishes can be a life lesson.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

Purple tulips on a white tablecloth, puddles outside, warm weather. Spring is in the air, and I'm really enjoying it. Kathryn likes to go for stroller rides in the great outdoors, and fusses every time we need to go back into the house. I have a feeling that it won't be a punishment for her to play outside this summer! 

We had a lovely visit with my family over the weekend. Noah, Dad, and Kenny built me a gorgeous huge bookshelf. We got the thing stained and into the house yet Saturday night. Now the only problem is I don't have any length of uninterrupted wall big enough to put it on. I put all of my 30 or so books on it, and Noah's books, but the poor thing is only half full :) It now holds photo albums, picture frames, CDs, DVDs, and our vase of sand we poured at our wedding. I kinda like it not filled up. Makes it feel nicely uncluttered. We took Mom and Dad to see the house we are getting. All kinds of ideas came forth on how to make it a much more spacious-feeling home. The basement stairs are parked smack-dab in the middle of the house with the kitchen on one side, and the living room on the other. One brainstorm was to leave the stairs there, but cut the wall down to the height of the counter, and at the end put a breakfast nook or something like that. Thats my favorite yet. The papers are getting signed for this deal on Monday morning.

I tried to bake Paska yesterday. Its a traditional sweet bread with an orange and a lemon served with a special icing at Easter time. I was on the phone as I was making it, and forgot to add the eggs or the sugar. Sweet breads usually have eggs in them, but since this one no longer happened to be sweet, it turned out ok. Now you just kinda need the icing, but thats ok, since without sugar or eggs in the bread it was practically calorie free. Doesn't that make sense? It does to me.