Wednesday, May 6, 2015


This week's post will just be a quickie, because I don't really have the time to sit here and type for a long time.

We are working away at our house, getting it ready to live in. Its almost there. The bathroom needs one more coat of paint, one sheet of sheetrock needs to go on the ceiling, and the floors need to be shampooed. Thats all that must happen. The stuff that doesn't need to happen so much is the wainscotting shined, and other to make it pretty things.

I was pushing my panic button on Sunday, wondering how everything was going to happen; especially because it was a day I couldn't do anything about it. Days that I could do something about it I tried, but inevitably that was when my baby needed extra Mommy time or something, and nothing happened anyway. I wondered if we would move even if October was the deadline. Then Tuesday happened. It was a day that a crew of 6 people donated a whole afternoon to helping me. Things happened. The list in my head that felt as long as Santa's Christmas list almost got completed. It was wonderful. Kathryn cried, went for naps, was held and entertained, and still things happened. Then in the evening the electrical stuff got taken care of so that we aren't working around wires dangling from the ceiling, and the gas got hooked up again so that not all of our hot water has to be heated on the stove in my 1.5 qt pot. I have a sister-in-law here for the rest of the week as well to assist as needed in packing and all the other projects. How am I ever going to repay these people? I have no idea,but I am so thankful for them.

No recipe in this post because all of my cookbooks are packed. I'll try to post one in the beginning of next week.

1 comment:

  1. You don't pay it back, your pay it forward. I like your writing. You write just like you talk. It's great.
