Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting Started

   I decided to try my brain at blogging, and see how I like it.

     I'm sitting at my kitchen table with the sunshine pouring in through the patio door onto my needs-to-be-washed floor and smelling apple cobbler baking. Mmmm. I like fall. I like walking out the door and wishing just a little bit that I had the sense to put a sweater or something more on. I like driving around and looking at people's yards to see what they do to welcome fall. I like seeing whole pumpkins as decorations (not the gross Halloween looking ones) on porches, or in the windows. My poor pumpkin got put on the deck railing a while ago and has lived there ever since. I'll rescue it one of these days by turning it into pie or muffins or cake or anything else that I decide.

     Yesterday I packed my go-to-the-hospital bag. It was so much fun to put two tiny little outfits in there, knowing full well that getting arms in those sleeves is gonna be tricky for this first time Mommy. :)  And then comes the best part: an outfit for me that isn't quite as big as the ones I now require. I keep wondering if my praying for the baby to come early is as selfish as I sometimes think it is, or if its ok. Noah has started to inform me that my belly is really big, as if I didn't know that already from when I try to wash the dishes. We finally got a boy name picked out this morning. We had a girls name a while ago, and that ended up getting changed a little bit too. So now I feel like we can actually have a boy baby and be ok.

      We are gonna have another lovely evening at home again tonight. This wife has been needing those extra much lately. In September Noah was so busy with his regular day job, and then doing training for dispatch three nights a week, that our time together was mostly non-existent. That was hard. God came through again though, when I was sure I couldn't do it anymore. The evening shifts dropped down to almost nothing, and my husband tuned in again. His life had consisted of work, work, eat a bit, then sleep as fast as he could so that he could be up and at it again in a few hours. We both needed this break.

Thats all for this time! Tell me what you think.


  1. Great blog. I love reading blogs. But can't keep up one on my own lol

  2. Glad to see you have a blog. It's lovely to hear from you. Very nice post.
    I've been dreaming of pumpkins on my front porch, but it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully soon!
    I've been thinking of you, and how close the baby is... praying all goes easily for you! -Frank

  3. How nice, Carolyn. Welcome to blogland. I enjoyed this a bunch.

  4. Carolyn, I enjoyed your post. I'm praying for you as you anticipate you little one. They sure are a blessing and gift from God!
